
Sell Your Gold

Are you looking to sell your gold? We can assist you. In addition to being a gold supplier we also buy in gold in Uganda and Dubai.


You can bring as little as 100g to start. Once you are happy you can bring whatever you feel comfortable bringing. We will test the gold in your presence and once the gold purity is determined we will pay you. Our office is based in Kololo and is very safe. 

Don’t have paperwork for your gold? Don’t worry, as soon as you bring the gold into our premises you will be covered under our license.  


We only do CIF Dubai. We will cover all the costs from the point of Dubai International Airport up to the final ASSAY.  We will clear the gold at customs at our cost with the seller present and we will transfer the gold via Transgaurd to our refinery. Our refinery is ARY refinery situated in Sharjah. Payment will be made to the buyer immediately without delay after the final ASSAY confirms the gold purity and net weight.


How do I know I won't be robbed?

You have every right to be concerned as the gold business is synonymous with scams. Unfortunately, we are faced with the same reality. For this reason you must do your due diligence. We invite you to visit the nearest police station and see if there have been any reports of scams involving our company name. People who have been scammed do not keep quiet, they will report the matter to the police or post in on social media or the internet.  We can proudly say that our name is clean and we have a good reputation. 

We are also more than happy to have the Police present to protect you. We operate legally so we have nothing to hide from the police.

Can you show proof of funds?

We have no problem showing proof of funds but we will only produce proof of funds when you show us real gold. As much as we want to be sure that we can pay for your gold, we also need to ensure that you have real gold to sell.

The best way to satisfy both parties is for you to bring at lease 100g to 1kg to our office. We will test it and show you our POF. We will also purchase what you bring as a test. If you are happy you can bring whatever you are comfortable bringing. 

Do I need to make a booking?

Yes, you must first make a booking as we are not always in Uganda. We travel internationally for our business but will make time to meet with you when you are ready to bring gold for sale. We do not charge for bookings.

Do I need to sign a Sales Purchase Agreement?

A Sales Purchase Agreement is compulsory for the protection of both parties. If either party fails to honor the agreement then the aggrieved party can take action. We do not do business under the table of businesses that will put either party at risk.

If you are happy with our terms then please tick the button below to complete enquiry form and send us an offer. 

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